Completing your enrollment

From now until November 30th, click the “Enroll now” button below and log onto the Manulife plan member site to choose your benefits. Your choices will take effect on January 1, 2024.

The following are the steps to complete your enrollment online:

  1. Go to the Manulife website or click the “Enroll now” button below before the end of day on November 30, 2023 and sign in using your plan number, member ID and password.
  2. Select Enrol / Re-enrol.
  3. Choose your benefits. Make sure to try different benefit options to find the one that works best for you. You can save your choices and come back to them later if you want. But remember, you’ll need to Submit your choices before November 30, 2023.
  4. Before you sign out, print a copy of your coverage statement for your records.
  5. If you have to fill out a form (e.g., an evidence of insurability form or beneficiary designation form), a link will appear at the end of your enrollment, prompting you to complete the form online. Once completed, save or print a copy of it for your records.

Enrollment default and opt out

If you don’t enroll by Nov. 30th, you will automatically be enrolled in your existing coverage options under your current family status. Any remaining benefits budget dollars will automatically be deposited into your HCSA and coverage cannot be changed until the next enrollment period, unless you experience a life event.

You may opt out of health and dental if you have proof of alternate coverage. If you opt out, and depending on your group, you will still have access to the additional spending accounts allocation that can be credited to your HCSA, Wellness Account or both.

Image of family with a small yellow dog resting on a pier and looking at lake and foggy mountains
This website is intended to provide you with a general overview of the Health Benefits Plan For Eastern Operations of Interfor. It is not intended to be comprehensive or to provide advice. If there are any differences between the information provided in this website and any legal documents that govern the delivery of benefits, the legal documents will apply.